Thursday 2 June 2016

Week 1...

So one week in a it is really starting to feel like progress now.

The cut is finished and we have ended up with a great area at the front (or what we call the front but is actually the back) of the house which will extend off our alfresco area nicely.

They are busily working on the set our now too. There is spray paint and string lines in all sorts of colours going in all kinds of directions.

This will one day will be our bedroom.                                                                        

Luckily I knew to expect it (as I lived through a house build as a kid) but I really hate how it looks so small at this stage. It doesn't even look like we will fit through the doorways LOL!

Oh yeah and we have a TAP!

As you can see above we had a fair dose of rain right in the middle of all the digging. TYPICAL!

Hoping for a slab in the next week or two. Fingers crossed the rain holds off.

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