Tuesday 21 March 2017

week 30 until now (about week 42) ...

Ok so I've been missing for a while but I have a really good excuse I promise.

On January 21st 2017 we welcomed a beautiful baby boy into our lives.

So needless to say life has got pretty hectic lately and no we didn't quiet make it into the house before he was born :(

We were so close to being moved in before Christmas (and Charlie) but tiling and shower screens held us up. It was a typical case of the domino effect. The tiler was waiting for the drain grate and the glazier was waiting for the tiler and in turn the shower screen people were waiting for the glazier.

The offending shower screen that delayed our move.

Nonetheless we moved in to our beautiful new Hampton style home in Charlie's first week of life.

I use the term 'moved in' loosely. The whole process of packing up our old house and unpacking into our new house had to happen by one of us at a time or during baby naps, betweens feeds and nappy changes and not to mention at a slightly slower speed due to our sleep deprived state.  

Day 1 of our new life in 'Our Hamptons Home'
Believe it or not we spent the whole of 2 nights 'camping' in our new home with the bare essentials before we headed off on holidays to Hepburn Springs (via Metung, Geelong, Melbourne and Traralgon) for 2 weeks for my aunt's 50th birthday delaying the moving process even more. 

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