Tuesday 3 May 2016

Things are becoming real

This morning was particularly exciting as this is what I found when I arrived at the block to meet with the builder who had come up form Bairnsdale to meet and have a chat with me and some of the local tradies who will be working on our house.

We spent a couple of hours going over final decisions and plans. At last it has felt like we are actually one day really going to end up with a house on our block. Things are becoming real!

Also today I have been on the hunt for our kitchen bench tops. Originally I wanted Carrara Marble but after a little research I quickly changed my mind as I found out it is a lot softer than granite and therefore can scratch and absorb stains quiet easily. I don't want to be one of those people who is so over protective of damaging my benches that I scare everyone out of the kitchen. For me the kitchen is the heart of the home and somewhere that everyone congregates and collaborates. My family put a big emphasis of food when it comes to gatherings and celebrations and I want everyone including myself to enjoy the heart of our home. I have found a few amazingly beautiful alternatives to marble and am falling more and more in love with the lighter coloured granites every time I look at them.

My top pick for the island bench - Bianco Romano Granite

closely followed by this - Super White Granite

then for the surrounding benches around the walls (as long as it matches when I see it in person) - Macauba White Granite
However when you are dealing with a natural product such as granite it does sometimes come down to what is available at the time as they can't just whip another slab out of the factory like they can with composite stone benches such as Caesarstone etc. So I am keeping my mind open and trying not to get my heart too set just yet.

My other research project for this morning has been concrete stamping. Both of front veranda and the alfresco/outdoor area/outdoor kitchen at the back of the house are going to be concrete slabs (poured after the initial slab so that they don't get damaged during the build process) so I want to add a stamp and maybe some colouring to make them fit more with the style.

For the alfresco  area I am thinking a paving look stamp in a charcoal colour.

And for the front Veranda and porch wood-grain.

Watch this space as D-Day approaches. I will have heaps more exciting updates coming your way very shortly (I hope).

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